Unit: The World of Marketing
Unit Goals:
Students in Marketing I will learn about numerous business topics including marketing economics, free enterprise, sales training, human relations, product development, advertising, and pricing. This unit discusses the importance and fundamentals of marketing, as well as the use of market planning and segmentation. It is the first unit in the book and is the foundation for all marketing concepts that will be learned. After completion of this unit, students will be able to:
Describe each marketing core function
Explain/give examples of types of utilities
Explain the importance of target markets
Explain how each component of the marketing mix contributes to successful marketing
Specific Ways to Relate Goal(s) to Curriculum:
The goals of this unit are aligned with the Nebraska Career and Technical Education (CTE) State Standards. The follow standards and benchmarks provide the framework for this unit:
Standard 1: Students will understand the customer-oriented nature of marketing and will analyze the impact of marketing activities which create, communicate, and deliver value to the individual, business, and society: the marketing concept.
Benchmark 1.1: Identify the scope of marketing
Benchmark 1.2: Explain the concept of marketing strategies
Benchmark 1.3: Explain the process of marketing planning
Characteristics of the Students for Whom this Unit is Intended:
This unit is intended for high school students, grades 10-12, enrolled in Marketing 1. There are 46 students enrolled and divided among three classes. Through taking the course, students have the opportunity to be involved in a business club, DECA. DECA is an association of marketing students and prepares its members to be future leaders in the fields of marketing, merchandising, management, and entrepreneurship. Currently, Papio South has 75 DECA members’ grades 10-12 and approximately 2,000 members throughout the state of Nebraska.
The student gender representation is almost equal, as 24 males and 22 females are currently taking the course. The course is very project-based and real-life application is a regular occurrence. The unit will have several hands on activities to keep students engaged. Most students know of one another prior to taking the course because they have had prior classes together.
There are some students with learning disabilities and are on IEPs. For these students, plans will be modified to fit their needs, or they will be partnered with another student to assist.
Student's Present Level of Performance & Knowledge:
Students should have a basic understanding of marketing terms and concepts. They will be taught the information through notes, collaborative and project-based learning. A Marketing Essentials book will be available to all students in the classroom and online for further reading. They will be given enough knowledge to complete the unit successfully. Students should have some prior technology usage and skills, and should know how to complete basic research, and know how to use/navigate Microsoft Word and PowerPoint/Prezi. In addition, they should have exceptional word processing skills.
Classroom Layout & Grouping of Students:
The room has fourteen rectangular tables arranged in two “U shapes” that surround a SMART board and teacher’s desk. There are four additional table around the perimeter. There will be direct instruction to teach the background information necessary and then collaborative, group-work with groups of 2-3 students to complete assignments and projects. Students with learning disabilities will have appropriate modifications and/or will be partnered with other students that will be able to assist them.
Introductory Procedures:
The instructor will introduce the unit to the student by having them brainstorm times when they think they encounter marketing. Students should come up with a lengthy list with multiple examples of marketing encounters. Assignments will be given as needed and the instructor will give a preview of the two different chapters that make up the unit.
Materials & Media:
Wireless Internet: Wi-Fi will always be available to the students and instructor and is administered by the school district.
Unit Website: Lesson materials and graphics will be available for the instructor to use on the unit website. An online textbook resource will also be available to students.
Laptop Computers: A cart of 16 HP laptops computers will be available to students as necessary. The computers will be used for the following:
Accessing photos and unit website
Word processing
Connecting/communicating with instructor
Other use as needed
Marketing Essentials Textbook: This will be used as a resource to all students for marketing information, terms, definitions, examples, etc.
Instructor Laptop, Projector, and SMART Board: The instructor will frequently connect their laptop to the projector for direct instruction and group discussions.
Notes/Worksheets: To be used for note taking and formative assessment
Project Directions/Example: Students will be given directions for their project and also an example to see how they will be graded/what the instructor is looking for in a project.
The following visuals will be created through a combination of Microsoft Word and PowerPoint, Paint, Piktochart, and Adobe Fireworks.
Definition of marketing graphic. The purpose of this visual is to give students an overview of what marketing is and see the “big picture.” (Objective #1)
4 P’s of marketing (product, price, place, and promotion) graphic. The purpose of this visual is to break down the different aspects of the marketing mix. (Objective #1/#4)
5 types of utilities (time, form, place, information, possession) graphic. The purpose of this visual is to communicate the different components that need to be considered for marketing to occur. (Objective #2)
Target market graphic. The purpose of this visual is to display the importance of determining a target market for your product. (Objective #3)
Marketing segmentation graphic. The purpose of this visual is to further break down the target market into different segments (psychographics, geographics, demographics, and behavioral characteristics). (Objective #3)
7 functions of marketing (selling, pricing, product/service management, market planning, marketing information management, distribution, promotion) graphic. The purpose of this visual is to communicate all aspects that play an important role in the marketing process. (Objective #4)
Own product example 4 P’s graphic. The purpose of this visual is to apply visual concepts form graphic #1 and create a real-life product example that follows the guidelines. (Continuation of #1, Objective #1)
Marketing unit summary graphic. The purpose of this visual is to summarize the concept of marketing in a way that makes sense to the learner. (Objectives #1-4)
Assessment & Evaluation of Learner Understanding:
Formative assessments will be conducted through warm ups, checks for understanding, worksheets, homework, in-class observation of student responses and work time, and projects. A summative assessment will be administered at the end of the unit. The summative assessment is standard to the Marketing 1 course and is aligned with the Nebraska State Standards and objectives being taught. Their unit project will be completed in groups of 2-3 and will follow the unit objectives.
Relate Assessment Instruments to the Outcomes Stated in the Goals:
Students will complete their daily warm ups as checks for understanding and their in-class/homework assignments will help them review the concepts being learned. Verbal and written feedback will be given to each student to determine understanding and if additional teaching/topic revisiting is necessary. Students will use the provided visuals to assist them with their unit project. They will have to address and explain the stated goals below in a presentation format using visuals (such as PowerPoint/Prezi). Students will be given examples to follow so they are aware of expectations. In addition to the project, students will complete a unit exam that checks for understanding of the unit objectives. All of these components will allow the instructor to observe if the intended goals are being accomplished.
Describe each marketing core function – review worksheet, graphic organizer, project component, unit exam
Explain/give examples of types of utilities – examples review, project component, unit exam
Explain the importance of target markets – create market man/lady assignment, project component, unit exam
Explain how each component of the marketing mix contributes to successful marketing – project component, unit exam
*Adapted from Unit Plan